Samtrade Foundation to Donate SGD $50,000 to SIAS for its CSR Outreach
March 09, 2020: Samtrade Foundation, the charity arm of Samtrade FX Ltd. has proudly announced that it is donating a sum of SGD $50,000 to Securities Investors Association Singapore or SIAS. This donation is being made for Samtrade Foundations’ CSR outreach and it will have great impact on the local market.
“We support and advocate all the initiatives of SIAS to protect the interest of and educate investors.” Said Sam Goh, the CEO of Samtrade FX, while talking about the donation. “SIAS not only educates the stakeholders in the market but also protects the interests of investors, which is why we are fully committed to supporting this inspiring organization.” He added. SIAS is the largest organized investor group in Asia, and this is why it has earned the support of many leading businesses and investors.
In addition, Samtrade Foundation is the charity arm of Samtrade FX, and it continues to play its positive role in the market to keep the environment investor-friendly. Founded with a clear objective of providing traders with safe, easy, as well as low cost access to foreign exchange markets, Samtrade FX is an award-winning licensed brokerage and a proud member of The Financial Commission, which an international organization engaged in the resolution of disputes within the financial services industry in the Forex market.
About SIAS
SIAS is a registered Charity and an Institution of Public Character (IPC), and the largest organized investor group in Asia. Run by an elected Management Committee comprising of professionals who are volunteers, the organization actively promotes Investor Education, Corporate Governance and Transparency and is the advocate for Investor rights in Singapore. Furthermore, the organization has successfully launched more than a thousand investor education programmes ranging from basic investment seminars for novices to certificate courses.
To find out more about SIAS, please visit: